Best Computer Components from Ugreen Official Store for M2-Adapter Computer-Expansion Add-On-Cards PCI Ugreen Nvme M.2 B Key-Ssd 32gbps 8/16m
Ugreen Official Store provides an substitute way of buying for people who cannot travel to a physical store for making buy the Computer Components you need. These people include all those who have mobility problems due to certain illnesses or those who have kids or elderly at home to adopt care. Sometimes, lack of transportation and bad weather can also prevent people from making their way to physical stores and internet shopping help them to get M2-Adapter Computer-Expansion Add-On-Cards PCI Ugreen Nvme M.2 B Key-Ssd 32gbps 8/16m....Check Discount
Customer reviews:
Date: 14 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
i recomended this seller is good work is all thanks best chose
Date: 18 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Product is same as mentioned on website. Not yet tested on my pc but looks quality one delivers in 1 days from china in lahore
Date: 19 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
The Adapter arrived pretty fast it does not work as a boot drive outside the box for older chipsets like the z87 or older you will have to modify your bios first luckily I did modify mine prior to buying this adapter so it did work outside of the box for me :D but yeah overall works great and great value too 4sho
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 14 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
11월 8일에 구매해서 11월 14일에 받았네요. 배송이 아주 빨라서 좋습니다. 아직 사용해 보진 않았지만 제품은 좋아보이고 포장도 잘 되어서 와서 좋네요.
Date: 08 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
me falta verificar si el adaptador está afectando la velocidad del ssd o es mi sistema, pero lo recomiendo 100% gracias por los regalos.
Date: 05 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
As always high quality and fast delivery. The perfect seller!
Date: 18 Nov 2020Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method
From the first sight looks nice and quality item. All screws fits well. Packaging was really good, no damage during very fast shipping. Later review will be possible after testing on Mac Pro 5.1
Date: 05 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Estupendo adaptador sea para Windows que para Hackintosh. La placa lo reconoce como disco por lo que puede funcionar como disco de arranque. He puesto las velocidades en ambos sistemas operativos con un disco M2 cuya velocidad máximas que señala el fabricante también las indicó en la tercera foto. O sea, vale la pena de verdad. Además ha llegado desde China en una semana
Date: 26 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Ехало долго. Вроде всё ок, да проверить не чем. Отвёртка и винтики в комплекте с заглушкой
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 19 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Tested before buying a NVME Samsung 70. Test succes with HP Z640 Workstation. Needed to change some bios settings before it was working. Result in the picture. Happy customer! 70 should give 6x more speed then a normal SSD. Perfect card when you don't have a nvme slot
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 29 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
UGreen official store is the best, so fast delivery, always great products
Date: 17 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
je utilise deja depuis trois jours avec un disque dure samsung evo 70
Date: 13 Jan 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method
Доставка до Бреста с отслеживанием - около 2 месяцев. Адаптер в PCIe для M.2 NVME SSD диска - 2 штуки - исправны. Проверял на материнской плате Asus Z7K_R20 : - в нижнем слоте PCIe - скорости ограничены ~770 Mbit/s; - затем проверял в верхнем PCIe - там удалось увидеть все возможности SSD Kingspec ~ 1500-2800 Mbit/s по чтению. Покупал на распродаже 11.11 за купон продавца + скидка продавца + монеты приложения + купон платформы. Весьма доволен.
Date: 01 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Все прийшло в простому щільному пакеті, але упаковка самого товару з твердого картону, тому жодних пошкоджень. Є невеличка викрутка і комплект гвинтів. Єдиний мінус - немає малого бекплейту, якраз він мені потрібен, але гадаю, можна без нього. Плата виглядає досить якісно зробленою, ще не перевіряв, чекаю на SSD. Якщо будуть проблеми, то про це напишу окремо. Є невеличкий подарунок у вигляді кабельного органайзера,
Date: 29 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Chegou tudo certo. Ainda não testei, mas os produtos da Ugreen são de qualidade reconhecida
Date: 11 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Всё хорошо - качество товара, упаковка. Но меня не покидает чувство, что для такой ерунды значительно завышена цена. Может кто не согласен со мной.
Date: 24 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Thanks . Отличное качество
Date: 16 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
fast delivery good product thank you
Date: 01 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Bonne qualité et correspond à la description
Date: 23 Jan 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method